Mrs P
Children’s Mental Health is a priority in our midst.
‘Oh don’t get me started on worries’ – says Jessie
Even prior to the pandemic, children’s mental health was an issue that required urgent attention – but the pandemic has exacerbated this need. NHS Digital reports that since 2017, probable mental disorders have increased since 2017; in six to 16-year-olds they rose from one in nine (11.6%) to one in six (17.4%), and in 17 to 19-year-olds from one in ten (10.1%) to one in six (17.4%)
Munira Wilson MP, published February 9, 2022
Protecting our children’s mental health - Munira.org.uk
What is an ELSA?
An Emotional Literacy Support Assistant.
An educational psychology led intervention for promoting the emotional wellbeing of children and young people.
Originally developed by Sheila Burton, Educational Psychologist, it was designed to build the capacity of schools to support the emotional needs of their pupils from within their own resources.
‘Elsa-Support’ provides downloadable resources to aid the teaching of emotional literacy or emotional intelligence in schools.
What is drawing and talking?
A safe and easy to learn short term, time-limited therapy to be used with anyone (age 5+) who has suffered trauma or has underlying emotional difficulties. It allows individuals to discover and communicate emotions through a non-directed technique, setting it apart from existing solution-focused and cognitive-based therapies and interventions.

The Light of Day Club
Inspired by Year 3 student, Elizabeth, the club was created and facilitated by Mrs P.
A weekly lunchtime club that children could access freely to talk about their worries.
The club proved a popular venue. As it evolved the children promoted charity initiatives and determined their own themes for future weeks.
Every school should have one…
Charities we support
​Jessie & JoJo will be supporting the work of the NSPCC in the UK and WIRES in Australia.
Helping to make 6.6 millions children safer from abuse. NSPCC have been here for children for over 100 years.
From campaigns to services – they strive to make a difference in everything they do.
Every childhood is worth fighting for…

WIRES is Australia's largest wildlife rescue organisation. WIRES has been rescuing and caring for sick, injured and orphaned native animals for over 35 years and their mission is to actively rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife and inspire others to do the same.
WIRES operate a dedicated Wildlife Rescue Office assisting wildlife and the community across Australia 24 hours a day, 365 days a year providing rescue advice and assistance for over 130,000 animals annually.